Dreams-in-Ghana-by-Armenyl Blessed


Dreams-in-Ghana-by-Armenyl Blessed
Cape-coast, Ghana 2014

I decided to make a trip to the central region of Ghana last weekend. It was a 4 hour drive to Cape-Coast! I, of course, slept for most part of the journey. And I very much intended to! I brought my pillow and eye-mask to mean business. When I did awake to meet the last 45 minutes of the car ride, I was greeted with the most beautiful scenes to photograph. If I had my way, we would stop at every moment for me to get a photograph of a family, a vendor, a boy gathering wood from the farm, a shepherd and his herd of sheep, sheep without a shepherd, a marketplace, fishermen at sea or just the beautiful natural arrangement of palm and coconut trees that lines the road. But that would have taken all day. So I just settled with getting my photographs from a moving car, which, despite the situation, turned out pretty well. One of the many photographs from a moving car is this photograph of coconut trees which we are using in our postcard series today. The journey, the feelings of serenity, and adventure couldn’t help but make me want to listen to one of my favorite songs from Daft Punk entitled “Beyond.”

Dreams-in-Ghana-by-Armenyl Blessed


Remember love’s our only mission
This is the journey of the soul
The perfect song is framed with silence
It speaks of places never seen
Your home’s a promise long forgotten
It is the birthplace of your dreams

Daft Punk, Beyond

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