By now, I am coming off as a flower loving, pastel obsessing, style chasing girl. I am!

Even though they are not the only things I photograph, I’ve been leaning towards editing those kinds of photographs lately. Last thursday was the first day of spring, and the friday that followed came with beautiful spring weather. The saturday after was even more sandals wearing, top down riding, ice cream buying pleasant. And now I am hearing there will be snow on Tuesday? I shouldn’t be complaining because for the most part, I’ve enjoyed nothing but good weather this year!: I was in Ghana, under the warm African sun, visiting beaches and eating fresh fruit during the crazy snow storms earlier this year, and then I only dealt with one week of the cold in America before I left to spring-like weather in Paris. So to be fair, I deserve this snow and all of its spring interrupting audacity. But I won’t let it tell me different, Spring is here! Finally! It is my favorite season because it feels like the best of both worlds: Summer and winter had a baby! I can’t wait to wear white lace dresses, and picnic in the park again. I wish you a pleasant week, and all the sweetness of spring!

Spring by Armenyl Blessed

Happy Spring!

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