Things That Are Better Than Sex


Beauty Product Review by Blessed

…that is if you are willing to take Too Faced Cosmetics‘ word for it. Apart from an unhealthy addiction to lipstick, my other vice is perhaps my obsession with mascara. These two products and the occasional use of foundation is really all there is to my make-up routine. So you can understand why I always need to find the very best out there (…That I can afford). I love buying and trying out mascara as much as I love a good ol’ Return Policy! Despite my obsession with mascara, I only own 5 different mascaras (Is that still much?) These 5 are my go-to! The ones which have passed the test! (I will share this in a future post!)

New to my mascara family, is this sexy tool right here: The “Better Than Sex Mascara” by Too Faced! I don’t know about it being better than sex, but it is quite impressive. Great, actually! After hearing so many great reviews about this mascara, I decided to give it a try! I purchased mine at Sephora for $23!

Many said it was almost like wearing falsies, this is what got me. Because I’ve tried falsies, and they didn’t work! — No, not because they didn’t give me doll-like lashes, I just couldn’t even put it on right to begin with: 🙁 Is that too much glue? What if it falls off? Stick! Stick! That is not your lash line! Err still on your eyelid dear! oh dear! All while my shaky hands hold a false eyelash by a pair of tweezers to my eye. The trauma!  I guess I have to settle for the next best thing. After using this product for about a month, I’ve got to say I am pretty sold on it! Check out my product rating below:

Have you tried this product? Loved it, Hated it: You too can score it below! Let me know your thoughts! xo!

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