Soccer – Football Fever

I’ve got some serious football fever, and that’s “football” the way the rest of the world(that is not the United States) calls it. Which reminds me, there seems to be a mix up here, why is American football played with the hand and not the player’s foot? Actually, no, let’s not go there, I’ve heard this debate before, and I think I’ll leave this can of worms on a tight seal. I call it football!

In any case, every four years I become a football fanatic! I gather my girlfriends at my house, we get some beer and pizza, and scream at the TV like a couple of  angry drunk men  (but we are not drunk, just really enthused). Then we step out of the house for some wine and quiet dinner as if the above never happened. (Guys, this is really the life of every female).

We also all usually have a common opponent when we watch the two football teams play against each other. I don’t know why, I think we just happen to only invite people who are rooting for the same team, maybe that’s what we base our friendships on, who knows, yet there’s always that one person who sides with other team just so they can be controversial or “different;” this person is also known as well… me. But I’m sure my friends have probably caught up to me and know that it’s only a defense mechanism to save me from the heartache when my team loses.We all get so into it, you can feel the fury and disappointment in the room when our team loses. Every year we find ourselves pledging to never watch the FIFA World Cup again because our hearts have been so broken from our team losing, but 4 years is enough time to get over it, plus it’s super hard to ignore that fever!

Since the last FIFA World Cup, a new team has been added to my favorite, that and whatever team my BFF Messi is playing on (Argentina!) So here’s my FIFA World Cup Picks: Ghana, USA, and New friend and ally France.


The first two on the list always seem to play against each other every FIFA year since I’ve been following, and in a way that severely determines the stay of the other in the game. I have only concluded that the people over at FIFA have conspired to  tense me up! Although, I will confess picking a side has not been that hard ;). Yet, they might really have me in a fit when they make my “lover” Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal) also known as “The Bae” and the reason I support Manchester United (until he left to what team again? I lost count) ( I still support Man U and PSG) play against Ghana. In that case I wonder what it really comes down to: family or loyalty, which is even more confusing because Ronaldo as a lover/ The Bae equals Hubby, and Hubby equals Family, but isn’t Ghana my family to? And what of loyalty or honor? I should honor and be loyal to Ghana, but shouldn’t I be as honorable as the trophy wife I am to The Bae/ Lover/ now Hubby Ronaldo? Like I said the people at FIFA are out to get me flustered! As if my other side piece also known as “The Boo Thang” Prince Boateng  is not playing for Ghana already!! 🙁

Wow this digressed painfully! 

What I love about the FIFA World Cup is how it bring us all together, the vibe, the community, the cheering, the beer, and well the fever!! And this year I hope one on my teams wins the cup!

Have you been following? Who are you rooting for?! Comment below!


Ghana, France, & US “Flag design” only credit: think0
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