Fall Look for the Spring Obsessed

You know, I’m actually beginning to get over my irrational dislike for the Fall. It still makes me anxious! Every day the sun checks out three minutes earlier than the day before, I worry. Lately, however; I’ve  found myself a little more open to the idea—maybe even slightly excited for a new season and a new style. Thanks Garance! And perhaps by the end of the year I might be cured, but let’s not jump ahead of ourselves here.

Fashion has certainly started to change to match the cooler weather. There’s also a lot of olive and burgundy everywhere! Well, since I’m not quite ready to embrace the fall yet, I found myself a middle ground to ease me into the idea. Here’s a look from Paris Fashion Week that might actually work for me and the other 1% who are still thinking Spring and Fall should totally friend each other on Facebook!Fall Fashion for Spring Lovers, style, Paris Fashion Week Spring SummerWhat do you think?

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