Fashion month just ended which is my cue to take a moment to breathe. I dropped every work related thing I have to do today to allow myself some time to relax! Which for me has meant to stay in bed all day to catch up on episodes of Modern Family and maybe later, if I feel like really spoiling myself, binge watch Game of Thrones.

My work load has been pretty hefty these past weeks, but I will admit that nothing has felt better than crawling into bed at the end of the day and crossing out long list of things I’ve accomplished in the day! Kicking ass and taking names! I’ve been looking forward to this day all month, I tried my bestest, though I nearly lost, not to have anything else scheduled today: Just me, my bed, tv shows, and this post…Okay I had to put all my hangouts this week on this day, so I will spend a good amount of my night hanging out with friends and catching up at bars, but I figured that is a form of relaxing in itself. 🙂

Just one day to breathe before I pick it all back up tomorrow—I hope you’ve been enjoying the photos so far!

How’s your day going?

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