I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful month of April!  I spent a lot of my time adjusting to my new job, making a lot of plans for the future, and pondering over some major life decisions. And of course, the big question of where Armenyl.com fits in all of this. I admit that I’m not quite sorted with answers to all of these yet, but I’m learning to take it all one at a time and trusting God to grant me direction. Most of these life decisions I’m thinking about scare me to say the least, but as Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Africa’s first elected female head of state, says

If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.

I am learning to make small advances everyday towards my goals, instead of worrying about the gaps in between. I’m trusting with all my heart that God will provide each step of the way and it has made things a whole lot easier.

If I had to think of a bigger reason why pushing through works, it would have to be this exciting news : Last month, I landed one of my dream jobs!!! Even more exciting was the journey towards making that happen. Watching myself turn a little idea into a dream come true or even being able to find the blessings in an otherwise unhappy situation has been one of the most rewarding and empowering things I have experienced so far. It took prayer, support from family, and a little faith and I honestly couldn’t be more grateful for this opportunity.

So here I am, aspiring for more and staring at even bigger dreams and hoping that each day I can make some effort, no matter how little, towards them through the strength of Christ, and with all the love and support of family and loved ones.

If you are, like me, and you find yourself worrying about the future a lot, I encourage you to first decide where you’d like to be in 5 years, for example, then work backwards to the very point you are now. I assure you there will be some gaps in between especially with the really huge goals. Don’t worry about those. Come back to where you are now and take the first step! It’s more than likely a huge jump. Do it!

And if you find yourself without a clue on what to do with your life, which has been my situation before and kind of still is in various aspects, ask yourself what you love to do and how you can use that to inspire and help others. Work towards becoming a better version of yourself everyday.

Love & Blessings,



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