Elizabeth Gilbert on Big Magic

“Surely something wonderful is sheltered inside you. I say this with all confidence, because I happen to believe we are all walking repositories of buried treasure. I believe this is one of the oldest and most generous tricks the universe plays on us human beings, both for its own amusement and for ours: The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. 

The hunt to uncover those jewels — that’s creative living. 

The courage to go on that hunt in the first place — that’s what separates a mundane existence from a more enchanted one. 

The often surprising results of that hunt — that’s what I call Big Magic.”

“Who do I think I am? I’ll tell you who I am: I am a child of God, just like anyone else. I am a constituent of this universe. I have a right to collaborate with creativity, because I myself am a product and a consequence of creation.”


Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

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