Street Style: Switch / Up

Two beautiful and quite different looks from our favorite Russian street style star, Ulyana Sergeenko, at Paris Fashion Week. This is my street style rendition of the wildly popular “get you a girl than can do both” meme floating around on the internet, which, by the way, has gone from normal to okay now, cmon guys!!” Don’t you just love the internet?!


Russian Fashion designer Ulyana Sergeenko street style Paris Fashion Week Ulyana Sergeenko Street style Jardin des Tuileries beautiful Ulyana Sergeenko Street style at Paris Fashion Week Ulyana Sergeenko Street style Jardin des Tuileries
Both styles are very feminine, but each takes on a completely different interpretation of the meaning of feminity. It’s hard to say which look I love more!


Ulyana Sergeenko Street style If you had to pick, which would you say is your favorite look?

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