Happy New Year friends!! I’m grateful for a new and blessed year with all of you! I hope your 2017 has already been off to a great start. I’ve been hearing a lot of wonderful news all around and I pray it’s been the same for you. What are your plans for the new year? Have you begun any New Years resolutions already? I did pretty well with my resolutions last year, and I am excited to try out a new goal this year. I pray to God I see it fulfilled… Don’t worry I will tell you what is soon!

I have some 2017 goals for this site as well. Towards the end of 2016, I made some pretty hard decisions for Armenyl.com, but I believe they were really for the best. I hope to bring you more quality this year. It may mean fewer posts than usual, but I really think setting the bar high for myself can only push me to do better. I’m not really sure what the editorial direction on the site will be yet, but that’s the thing, I really want to just listen for it, see what direction the God takes me and do a lot more of what I love. I sincerely hope that what I find is something we will both truly enjoy.


Armenyl Blessed 2017 New Year resolutions Blog post featuring Flatlay Paperbunny marble 2017 planner, Garance dore love style life book. Photography by Armenyl.comA Happy & Anointed  2017, Here’s to creating greatness through the strength of Christ! <3

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