Inspirational Story: The Magic of Being yourself sun flare golden light photography by

The Magic in Being Yourself

What is our purpose in life? What are we great at? Who will we become? These are questions we all ask ourselves at some point. Me, a little too often (read: If you still do not what you are doing with your life). There are thousands of ideas and tests out there to help us find out our purpose in life, but I have discovered the first step, the key, is to be yourself, being unapologetically you, and the rest will follow.



Inspirational Story: The Magic of Being yourself sun flare golden light photography by


“Your only job while you are here, on the planet, is to be as good as being you, as they are at being them” — Caroline McHugh

I struggle with this sometimes. Fear of being too different, too big, too small, and you know what a lot of these have in common? They are unnecessary obsessions not of who you actually are, but how you are perceived. They are comparatives. As Caroline McHugh rightly put it “Of course, it is important that you understand perception…If you don’t understand that bit, being yourself is an ill-advised strategy.” Perception exists. People see you and form ideas of who you are. But perception is an exterior thing and we have to learn to keep it that way. To protect our interior, our core, who we are, from what others think of us.


“My recipe for life is not being afraid of myself, afraid of what I think or of my opinions.” — Eartha Kitt


Inspirational Story: The Magic of Being yourself sun flare golden light photography by

“Your job is to be better and better at being who you already are…you are already different. Your job is to figure out how and be more of that.”


Inspirational Story: The Magic of Being yourself sun flare golden light photography by Armenyl.comI wanted to share the video above with you (If the play button doesn’t work try this) —The art of Being yourself by Caroline McHugh. There’s a lot to learn about tapping into your true voice. I hope it leaves you inspired!

Inspirational Story: The Magic of Being yourself sun flare golden light photography by Armenyl.comAs I love to say, “let your record play! Stop pausing it in fear of who is listening, stop skipping tracks, play because the world needs you just as you are!”

Happy & Blessed Month of August to all of you!


Love peace and Blessings Armenyl



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