I think I’ve picked up a terrible habit of running straight from the airport to a fashion show (see New York). In theory, it sounds pretty badass, but after you’ve spent the night before packing, not getting a wink of sleep and sitting through a long plane ride only to then drop your bags off, take a shower, and go to five shows in a day, you can only blame all the dozing you are doing on the train rides in between shows on your reckless behavior. I think I made the fastest jetlag recovery in history!

Paris Fashion Week SS 2018

Paris Fashion Week SS 2018 street style looks

 Chanel S/S 2018

Of course, the beautiful Paris Fashion Week street style looks makes it all worth it and is the perfect reminder of why I love absolutely love my job! I decided to take today to recover and organize things around (read: finally unpack my suitcase, buy groceries, and sleep), but I cannot wait to show you all the beautiful street style looks I captured this season.


A Bientot!

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