Paris : The Return


If you’ve been following on Instagram, you probably already know that I’m in my favorite place in the world right now! I’ve been quietly planning my return to Paris for a couple of weeks now, and I’m so excited to be back. This trip is not like any other, but I can’t give much away yet.

I’m not nearly as overwhelmed as I was the last time I was in Paris. And, I don’t mean to sound cliché when I say this—this really did happen—but, I remember standing in front of the Eiffel Tower and feeling like I was just here yesterday. I honestly feel like I never left. It is as if my life in between the last time I was here and now was just a dream.

I arrived last week, very early in the morning to catch the very last few days of Paris Fashion Week. It was a crazy, busy first week, but things have started to calm down a little.

It’s fall in Paris, and I never noticed how beautiful the fall season looked in the city! The last time I was here in the fall, I had just moved to work in France. I was stressed out about looking for an apartment and getting the feel of my new job. Not to forget a little nervous of the huge step I’d made moving to France. Things are a lot calmer this October and it’s given me time to really reflect and fall in love with the new season, both literally and figuratively, in Paris.

I am currently sitting in the Apple Store responding to all my emails* and taking care of everything that requires the internet because my router stopped working 5 days ago! At first it was okay. I thought it was a great opportunity to spend time outdoors, but now I’m on day 5 with no internet and it’s beginning to feel like a mini nightmare.

Apart from that mini setback, it’s  been incredibly amazing to back. I’ve spent a lot of time strolling through my favorite neighborhoods, going back to my favorite restaurants, and catching up with all my friends and family here. Hopefully my internet gets fixed soon, so I can share more with you all.

I am really looking forward to this new adventure, and I hope you will follow along! I will try to update here often, but for more day-to-day, behind-the-scenes you can follow me on Instagram.

Also, it’s been a while since I was back here, so if you have any recommendations of new places to check out please, share them with me! <3

*You’d be amazed about how much work you can get done when you know your access to the internet is limited! lol

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