Transparent bag fashion trends photo by Armenyl

What’s in my bag

The transparent bag has been evolving since its debut 5 years ago. The latest trend has taken the form of clear unassuming shopper totes with huge designer labels across. While I’ve been in love with the trend for the longest time, it wasn’t until recently that I tried my first see-through bag.

Transparent bag fashion trends photo by Armenyl Fashion Trends see through bag featuring mini vinyl crossbody bag

I was so excited when I found this pink and silver two-toned purse on It came with an insert faux leather purse that I’ve mostly pretended doesn’t exist, but it does come in handy when I want to protect my valuables from being seen. The biggest concern with a transparent bag is after all the question of if we really want the rest of the world to see what’s in our purse. Do we really want the world to take a peek inside our bags when we spend half the time on the streets clutching those things to our armpits to make sure we don’t get robbed? Even though I will probably never carry anything of value in my new see-through purse, I must admit that for me the real fashion statement is what you chose to show inside the bag. You can tell a lot about a person by what they carry inside their purse, so picking the right personality pieces is key. At fashion week, I’ve seen style stars carry items like iPhone and pressed powder or lipstick and sunglasses.

See Through purse featuring zara mini vinyl crossbody bag

It’s a fun of show-off piece, and I’ve loved carrying my favorite body oils, lipsticks and beauty elixir in mine. What are your thoughts on transparent bags? What will you put inside yours?


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