French Countryside

Cute French countryside homes photography by Armenyl

We all know I love a good door photo, but I’ve never seen one with this much character. Can you imagine all the little fairytales you could make up just staring at this little house…

Here’s another memory from not too long ago. Not being able to travel around due to covid has created the perfect opportunity for me to not only reminisce but also finally get around to sharing tons of photographs /projects that got lost in the archives.

This little gem is from a year ago in the south-central part of France where I attended my dear friend’s wedding. I had visited the small village seven years ago when I traveled down with the family back in November for the Toussaint holiday. I still remember our little strolls through the quaint town gathering mushrooms and picking up chestnuts to roast by the fireplace. Nicole had just hunted for a deer that day and we had it with potatoes and a mushroom pie for dinner. I hated mushrooms at the time, so I mostly picked at it.

A year later, we all reconvened in the little town to witness the union of the same dear friend who introduced me to the quaint little town. It’s one of those moments you can only feel blessed to experience. And isn’t this little french house the most perfectly imperfect or imperfectly perfect thing you’ve ever seen?