So technically, it’s the first time in over a decade that I’ve missed the Fall Winter Season of Fashion Week shows. And I’m really not adjusting well.
…but there’s good news!
Paris Fashion Week is currently happening, and though I cannot attend this year, I thought it would be the perfect time to catch up on all the best looks from last season that I never had the chance to share. Last season, PFW coincided with a time in my life where a social media/online break had become very necessary and though I had a ton of stories from fashion week and Paris itself to share, I made the important decision to disconnect. I’ve since been looking for the perfect time to plug it in!
Yes, I feel very plagued by the relevancy of last season versus this season. We all know the fashion world’s favorite mantra — Today it’s in, tomorrow’s it out. We won’t be that strict here. I hope you find many things to inspire you in this growing collection of the best of beauty and fashion inspo around the world.
There’s a ton to share, so grab a seat!