
This year I pray…

Armenyl Self Portrait Fashion Photography

Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself. Shine your brilliant magnificence through my hands with the strength of Christ that your power may be glorified in my life…

I pray that we will live a meaningful and full life this year! May our hands be blessed of God, may we see our dreams come true in ways we could have never imagined, may amazing opportunities come our way, may love fill our hearts and homes, may we find peace and beauty in our every day, and, best of all, may our lives be filled with purpose!

I believe this new year that I will do all things through the strength of Christ at work within me and I cannot wait to see where that takes me.

I wish you a most special and fruitful new year! Thank you for your support throughout the years! 🌸

To new beginnings in the year Twenty-twenty!!